Welcome to HB1BBS

HB1BBS is a Packet Radio and Telnet Bulletin Board System that is hosted from the little village Ouwerkerk in The Netherlands.
Beside the Packet Radio station you can also connect a telnet Bulletin Board System through telnet using a telnet client at HB1BBS.NET
Packet radio is a communication method to link computers through a transceiver in order to share information, files, chat and send email through a network of BBS’es around the world. Mid 90’s HB1BBS was on air at 27.365MHZ FM and also running as a telephone Bulletin Board System. HB1BBS was part of the NLNET Packet radio network, and running as a European FidoNet gatway to transfer mail, files and newsgroups arround the world. After a long time off-line (1999-2019) and much older, i decided to take the old BBS and Packet Radio station online again. I simple love the old school stuff. Running the BBS and Packet radio systems again brings a lot of good old memories.  

Servers and Services

HB9NOS [RX/TX-Node 27.235 MHz FM]

  • HB9NOS - BPQ-Node (LinBPQ v6.0.12.1) (WebService)
  • HB3NOS - JNOS-BBS (Jnos v2.0m.5Gx)
  • HB6NOS - JNOS Convers (Jnos v2.0m.5Gx) 
  • HB7NOS - JNOS-Node (Jnos v2.0m.5Gx)

HB1VAX [VMS Bulletin Board System]

  • HB1VAX - BBS - OpenVMS v7.2-1

Introduction Packet radio

Packet radio is a digital radio communications mode used to sendpackets of data. Packet radio uses packet switching to transmit datagrams. This is very similar to how packets of data are transferred between nodes on the Internet. Packet radio can be used to transmit data long distances. Packet radio is frequently used by amateur radio operators. The AX.25 (Amateur X.25) protocol was derived from the X.25 data link layer protocol and adapted for amateur radio use. Every AX.25 packet includes the sender's amateur radio callsign, which satisfies the US FCC requirements for amateur radio station identification. AX.25 allows other stations to automatically repeat packets to extend the range of transmissions. It is possible for any packet station to act as a digipeater, linking distant stations with each other through ad hoc networks. This makes packet radio especially useful for emergency communications.

HB1BBS is a Packet Radio BBS that uses theBPQ32 windows software running on a virtuel server hosted by strato. The system is up 24/7. HB1BBS is the main mail server and BBS gateway that is used to make connections through the different packet software services for mail forwarding.  If you want to give it a try and want to recieve mail from the NLD/EU packetradio network and get accces to the nework itself you can download the mailbox terminal program Sally7. 

Sally7 was written to be an advanced PERSONAL Message System that would interact with a BBS program like FBB/BPQ and NNA. sending and receiving message to/from your local BBS and also to/from other local stations. In the "old days" this was all via RF links although Telnet is now very common. Although Sally has many functions similar to a BBS program, it was never intended to be a BBS program itself. Whilst it can be pushed into use as a simple BBS, this is NOT its primary function, and limitations will quickly become evident. It lacks the advanced forwarding systems of FBB, BPQ and other functions you expect from a BBS program.I can give you direct access to the HB8NOS AGW gateway.  If you are running a BBS yourself we could set up a forward link to the network. 


CBAPRS stands for Citizen Band Automatic Packet Reporting System which consists of a server listening for APRS packets relayed over the internet by radio operators and a webinterface displaying the received information on a Worldmap


PSKreporter gathers receive data from as many active amateur radio stations as possible. With this data, users can compare propagation conditions on different bands, estimate the transmitting station’s signal range, or check the receivig characteristics of a station’s antenna. 


ACARS is a digital data link system for the transmission of messages between aircraft and ground stations, which has been in use since 1978. At first it relied exclusively on VHF channels but more recently, alternative means of data transmission have been added which have greatly enhanced its geographical coverage.

The ACARS frequenties used in Europa are:
131.725 AM Primary European
131.525 AM Secondary European
131.825 AM Secondary European
136.750 AM Arinc Europe
136.900 AM Secondary European
136.925 AM ARINC European


Automatic Identification System (AIS) is an automated, autonomous tracking system which is extensively used in the maritime world for the exchange of navigational information between AIS-equipped terminals. Thanks to it, static and dynamic vessel information can be electronically exchanged between AIS-receiving stations (onboard, ashore or satellite)
