PD1HBL Radio Amateur Station
                                        | QTH: De Lier, The Netherlands  JO21CX 5158.85N 00414.95E | 10/20/40m DX FT4/FT8 | 20m:  14.105MHz LSB Packet/VarAC |

Raspberry Pi for Ham-Radio

In my search on the internet about using a Raspberry Pi for other thinks besides packet-radio i found a website about installing various HAM programs on a Pi. This website also offers a link to a  compleet image with all the software you need provided by 
Dave Slotter It is very simple to install, just copy the image to your Raspberry Pi and you have a compleet pre installed pi with all the software you need.

I made this article with the information i found on DL1GKK.com and i would like to give all the credits to Karl-Heinz Krawczyk  for sharing the information. I also am a big fan of the small Raspberry PI computer which is very nice to use for amateur radio. All the programs I use to work with can run whitout any problems on a PI3, the performance of the PI4 is much better, but it also gets much hotter and needs more power. Both are great little computers. Try it out, it is worth it and makes fun.

Further Information

I recommend to check out the YouTube pages of KM4ACK and OH8STN. There you can find extensive information about QRP operation, amateur radio and the Raspi. 

YouTube side from KM4ACK
YouTube side from OH8STN

Acknowledgement: I find it impressive how much time people spend making great, free, open-source licensed programs available, writing application reports and recording videos. For me this is real ham-spirit. A huge thank to everyone. 

Table of contents

If you don't want to use the pre-installed image HamPi from Dave Slotter you can find install instructions on DL1GKK.com to manualy install the software applications yourself:

GPS Clock (Time sync & Position)
Real Time Clock (Additional hardware)
Packet Radio (Hamlib, Direwolf, Xastir, Linpac)
FLRig (Transceiver Control)
FLDigi (Data Mode)
WSJT-X (Data Mode)
JTDX (Data Mode)
GridTracker (Display connections on a map)
JS8CALL (Data Mode)
ZyGrib (Weather data visualization)
CQRLOG (Advanced Ham Radio Logbook)
TQSL (LOTW Support)
GPredict (Sat-Tracking)
QSSTV (Slow Scan Televison)
FreeDV (Digital Voice)
VOACAP (Propagation Prediction)
Chirp (Programming transceivers)
Qtel (Echolink Client)
D-RATS (D-STAR Communication)
CubicSDR with SDRplay RSP’s (SDR)
ADS-B Receiver with SDRplay RSP’s (SDR)
VirtualRadar (Display Airplanes)
XDX (DX-Cluster Client)
Xcwcp (Morse Code Tutor)

HamPi 2.0b1 64-bit Edition
The Raspberry Pi Ham Radio Image by W3DJS. The compleet HamPi-image can be downloadedhere 
Dave Slotter thanks for sharing this project.


General Ham Radio Applications

Antenna Ham Radio Applications

HamLib - Ham Radio Control Libraries
Grig - graphical user interface to the Ham Radio Control Libraries
CHIRP - Radio Programming Software
APRS Message App for JS8Call - GUI to send APRS mes. via JS8Call
QTel - EchoLink client
QSSTV - Slow Scan TV (e.g. "Fax")
Gpredict - Satellite prediction
FreeDV - Free digital voice vocoder
BlueDV - Client for D-Star and DMR
WsprryPi - WSPR software
ADS-B Flight Tracking Software
Pi3/4 Stats Monitor - by W1HKJ
VOACAP - HF propagation prediction
Wxtoimg - NOAA weather imaging software
TwHamQTH - an online callsign look up program
Twclock - a world clock and automatic ID for amateurs
Acfax - Receive faxes using your radio and sound card
Colrconv  -  convers client with sound and ncurses color support
D-Rats 0.3.9 (by new maintainer Maurizio Andreotti)
FBB - Packet radio mailbox and utilities
Gcb - Utility to calculate long and short path to a location
Glfer - Spectrogram display and QRSS keyer
Xdx is a DX-cluster client
DXSpider - DX Cluster Server
Fccexam - Study tool for USA FCC commercial radio license exams.
Gnuais / gnuaisgui - GNU Automatic Id System receiver
Hamexam - Study guide for USA FCC amateur radio (ham radio)
Hamfax - Qt based shortwave fax
Inspectrum - tool for visualising captured radio signals
Predict-gsat - Graphical Predict client
Splat - analyze point-to-point terrestrial RF communication links
Wwl - Calculates distance and azimuth between two locators
AX.25 – Packet Radio drivers for ax.25 protocol
Linpac - terminal for packet radio with mail client
PyBOMBS - GNU Radio install management system
AMBEServer – AMBE vocoder chip support
HamClock – GUI HamClock by WBOEW
Adifmerg – command-line ADIF conversion utility
Lopora – QRSS Beacon Reception
Universal Ham Radio Remote (UHRR)
RpiTx -- Turns Raspberry Pi into low power transmitter
ACARS Decoder – for tracking aircraft transponders
CygnusRFI – RFI analysis for ground stations radio telescopes)
Radio Explorer – Displays shortwave radio broadcast schedules
QrssPiG – QRSS (Raspberry) Pi Grabber
Minimodem – General purpose software audio FSK modem
Orca – Screen-reading software which supports blind hams
RBNC – Reverse Beacon Network Client
QDMR – GUI application and cmd tool to program DMR radios
Wfview – a program to control modern Icom ham radios
DroidStar – Software to RX/TX D-STAR, DMR, Fusion YSF/FCS, NXDN, P25, M17, and IAX (AllStar client)
Lady Heather – GPS Monitoring software
Cqrprop – Small application that displays propagation data.

FLDigi Application Suite W1HKJ

Flrig - Rig Control program which interfaces with fldigi
Fldigi - Digital Modes Communications
Flaa - RigExpert Antenna Analyzer Control Program
Flamp - File transmissions via Amateur Multicast Protocol
Flarq - ARQ data transfer utility for fldigi
Flcluster - Telnet client to remote DX Cluster Servers
Fllog - Logbook application which can use same data file as fldigi
Flmsg - Editor for ICS 213 Forms
Flnet - Net Control Assistant for Net Activities
Flpost - NBEMs post office
Flwrap - File encapsulation and compression for transmission
Flwkey - Winkeyer control program for K1EL Winkeyer series

WinLink Applications

Pat WinLink - WinLink for Raspberry Pi (and other platforms)
ARDOP support for Pat WinLink
ARDOP-GUI - Provides graphical representation of ARDOP
Find ARDOP - Retrieves local ARDOP sources by KM4ACK
Pat Menu 2 – Menu for Pat by KM4ACK
PMON - a PACTOR® Monitoring Utility for Linux

Morse Code Applications

Aldo - Morse code training program
Cw - sound characters as Morse code on the soundcard
Cwcp - Text based Morse tutor program
Xcwcp - Graphical Morse tutor program
Cwdaemon - morse daemon for the serial or parallel port
Ebook2cw - convert ebooks to Morse MP3s/OGGs
Ebook2cwgui - GUI for ebook2cw
Morse - training program about morse-code
Morse2ascii - tool for decoding the morse codes from a PCM WAV
Morsegen - convert file to ASCII morse code
Qrq - High speed Morse telegraphy trainer
Xdemorse - decode Morse signals to text

Antennavis - Antenna Visualization Software
Atlcl – Arbitrary Transmission Line Calculator
Gsmc - A GTK Smith Chart Calculator for RF impedance matching
Nec2c - Translation of the NEC2 FORTRAN source code to C
Xnecview - NEC structure and gain pattern viewer
Yagiuda - software to analyse performance of Yagi-Uda antennas

Digital Mode Ham Radio

WSJT-X - Weak Signal (FT8, FT4, etc.) by W1JT
GridTracker - Graphical mapping companion program.
JTDX - Alternate client for Weak Signal (FT8, FT4, etc.)
JS8Call - Messaging built on top of FT8 protocol by KN4CRD
JS8CallTools - Get Grid coordinates using GPS
Gnss-sdr - GLONASS satellite system Software Defined Receiver
Linpsk - amateur radio PSK31/RTTY program via soundcard
Multimon - multimon - program to decode radio transmissions
Multimon-ng - digital radio transmission decoder
Psk31lx - a terminal based ncurses program for psk31
Twpsk - a psk program

Software Defined Radio

CubicSDR - Software Defined Radio receiverhttps://strato-editor.com/.cm4all/widgetres.php/com.cm4all.wdn.Separatingline/images/thumbnail.svg
Cutesdr - Simple demodulation and spectrum display program
GQRX - Software defined radio receiver
LeanSDR – Lightweight, portable software defined radio
SDR++ -- Brand new cross-platform open source SDR software
SDRAngel - SDR player
Lysdr - Simple software-defined radio
SoapyAudio - Soapy SDR plugin for Audio devices
SoapyHackRF - SoapySDR HackRF module
SoapyMultiSDR - Multi-device support module for SoapySDR
SoapyNetSDR - Soapy SDR module for NetSDR protocol
SoapyRemote - Use any Soapy SDR remotely
SoapyRTLSDR - Soapy SDR module for RTL SDR USB dongle
SoapySDR - Vendor and platform neutral SDR support library
SoapySDRPlay - Soapy SDR module for SDRPlay
SoapySDRPlay3 - Soapy SDR module for SDRPlay3 API
Support for RTL-SDR
Support for SDRPlay SDR
Support for HackRF SDR
Support for AirSpy and AirSpy HF
SoapySDRAirSpy- Soapy SDR module for AirSpy SDR
SoapySDRFUNcube Dongle Pro+- Soapy SDR module
SoapySDRPlutoSDR- Soapy SDR module for Pluto SDR
SoapySDROsmoSDR- Soapy SDR module for Osmo SDR
SoapySDRRedPitaya- Soapy SDR module for Red Pitaya SDR
SoapyUHD- Soapy SDR module for Ettus ResearchUHD SDR
SoapySDRVOLKConverters - Support VOLK-based type converters

APRS Applications

Xastir - APRS GUI client / Digipeater / Igate
YAAC - Yet Another APRS Client
DireWolf - Software "soundcard" AX.25 packet modem/TNC and APRS encoder/decoder
Aprsdigi - digipeater for APRS
Aprx - APRS Digipeater and iGate
Soundmodem - Sound Card Amateur Packet Radio Modems

Logging Applications

10 10 QSO Logger – Logging software for Ten Ten Intern. Users
TrustedQSL – Logbook of the World (LotW) client
CQRlog - Ham Radio Logging Application
PyQSO - Logging software (written in Python)
Klog - The Ham Radio Logging program
SKCCLogger – Straight Key Century Club Logging application
Tlf - console based ham radio contest logger
Tucnak2 - VHF/UHF/SHF Hamradio contest log version 2
Twlog - basic logging program for ham radio
Upload_adif_log – Upload logs to LotW, eQSL.cc and ClubLog
Update_wsjtx_log.py – Updates missing name and/or grid
Wsjtx_to_n3fjp - Adapter to allow WSJT-X to log to N3FJP
Xlog - GTK+ Logging program for Hamradio Operators
